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Mission statement

to know god and to make him known 


                In Jeremiah 9:24, the LORD says, “But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, that I AM the LORD…”

               We believe that our highest priority ought to be a passionate desire to not only know ABOUT God, but to KNOW GOD and to have an intimate and personal relationship with Him. It is with that aim in mind that we approach each facet of our Sunday morning worship gatherings - both in our worship and in our time in God’s Word.

                Our Pastor prepares his weekly sermons and teachings through diligent study and a daily cultivation of the very same walk with God that he so desires for all who hear him to experience. Our prayer is that all who attend will not only be blessed by what they hear, but will be inspired to go deeper in their own walk with the Lord!  “Knowing God” involves a daily priority to the study of the Word and prayer so that our relationship with God becomes the most authentic and healthy aspect of our lives.

                But we also believe that such knowledge of God will leads to a genuine desire to share Jesus with the world around us who are desperately in need of ALL that God is and has to offer them: not only eternal life, but “life more abundant” (John 10:10) in the here and now!

                Every gathering we have and every relationship we cultivate ought to have this mission statement as the filter through which we do all that we do together so that we can ultimately fulfill the command of the Lord found in

I Corinthians 10:31; “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

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